Efficient power meets experience

Recently energy efficiency is one of the most important considerations when choosing the right compressed air solution where the output generated matches the demand as closely as possible. 

That's why we offer innovative compressed air system that support global sustainable development by increasing our customers’ productivity, reducing cost and helping them meet their sustainability ambitions.

Remember that Hertz Teams are here to support you in your purchasing decision, so feel free to contact us for advice and guidance! 

We know how much you care about the quality of your compressed air

This is why we proposes innovative solutions adapted to your requirements and needs.

There are some issues that you need to pay attention to in order to make the right choice of compressor

You should consider your individual air requirements and choose a size based on this. 

You will need to purchase a machine that has enough pressure to achieve the performance you require for your application and processes.

You should consider how many hours a year you will require your compressor to operate, if you need a constant or intermittent supply of air, and if there is ever going to be a fluctuation in demand.

You may consider asking a professional to conduct an air audit for your facility or production line. 

We will consider air demand, air quality, pressure, flow rates and any other factors

that will affect your decision and provide you with professional tailored advice.